Your TRTA Webgal has been traveling, but I am back and catching up on all your posts!
The Union Co RTA membership team is chaired by Pat Walker. She is joined by Marilyn Toppins. Each year they create a list of potential members to contact by phone, email, or in-person. Their goal is to recreate three new members this year. They also discussed how to prevent dropouts of the members who no longer attend meetings.
Name of the Local RTA: Warren County Retired Teacher Association
Person Reporting Henrietta Kellum Lusk
Position in Local President
Date of Meeting: Thursday, December 14, 2023
Place of Meeting: McMinnville, TN – The Webb House
Type of Meeting: Membership Yearend Meeting
Did you have a quest speaker? Yes
Name of speaker: Rep. Paul Sherrell & Bill Dunn
Position Held State representative & Former Commissioner
Topic of Speaker: Education – The Voucher System
Briefly Describe: 35 to 40 Members present.
Presentation of education and Q & A session
Devotional: Opening Prayer led by Donald Jones
Position: Chaplin
Music: Singing from the songbooks developed by
Debbie Allen, WCRT Secretary
November 9, 2023-- The executive committee of the Warren County RTA met at the home of Kerry and Terry Mulligan for a planning meeting that opened with a prayer led by Dr. Jerry Hale, past president.
September 14, 2023--The Warren Co RTA met on Thursday in the Magnolia Room at the Administration Building in McMinnville. President Henrietta Kellum Lusk presided over the meeting. Warren Co Director of Schools Dr. Grant Swallows served as the guest speaker. Dr. Swallows spoke about the events happening at Warren Co HS and other schools in the district. Safety is a primary concern for the schools. 85% of the seniors have registered to vote! The system is seeking volunteers to help with certain projects. The WCRTA meetings are advertised on Facebook and in the local newspaper The Sothern Standard and on the local radio station.
Fall 2024--Our last picnic was Fri Sept 13 at Rotary Park, Our WCRTA includes Johnson City and Washington County Teachers. Our next Luncheon is Dec 4th at Food City in JC, our Christmas meal. David Crockett HS will have their Choral group perform.
In back is Gregg Huddlestone, Membership and Legislative; with him is Holly Davison, President.
Honoring Lollie Surratt, our oldest, longest active member, with Robin Huddlestone, Scholarship Chair
Monica Teague Hart, our newest member
Leisa Lusk, Co-Treasurer
Far left Joanne Peters, Co -Treasurer
Daniel Boone HS choral group
December 1, 2023-- Washington Co. RTA met on December 1st at the Food City Banquet Room in Johnson City and held their annual Christmas luncheon meeting.
The Science Hill High School Chorus sang beautiful Christmas songs. The members and invited guests enjoyed a delicious meal catered by the Food City staff.
Mr. Jerry Boyd, Superintendent of Washington County Schools, and Dr. Steve Barnett, Superintendent of Johnson City Schools, provided a legislative outlook about the upcoming session which will probably include a bill on adding a voucher to be used for public school students to attend private, home, or charter schools. The school letter grade report card was also discussed. Both directors took questions from the members.
TRTA Executive Director Dr. Duran Williams brought greetings from the Nashville office and provided an inspiring message to the members. --Report provided by WCRTA Secretary Debbie Lester.
At the December 1st WCRTA luncheon in Johnson City, over 40 members wave and send their greetings!
Lisa Lusk greeted each member and guest at the doorway with a smile.
The members brought canned goods to be donated to the local food ministry . . .
. . . and they also filled the Donation Nome with cash for their college scholarship fund!
October 25th--The Washington Co RTA met at the Jonesborough Pizza Parlor. The members discussed and planned their upcoming Christmas luncheon on December 1. Members also discussed reaching out to members to bring canned goods to the luncheon to donate to Second Harvest. The Spring luncheon will be held on April 5. Members were also encouraged to write letters to area legislators during the upcoming legislative session. Meeting report submitted by Secretary Debbie Lester.
October 25th--The Washington Co RTA BOARD met. Membership and new rosters were discussed. A report from the recent TRTA Regional meeting in Knoxville was provided to the board members. The members agreed to focus on “Fun and Food” not just meeting. The $1,000 scholarship fund has two applicants. Handwriting letters to local legislators by members was discussed. The Christmas luncheon will be held on December 1 at 11:30 at Food City.
The Washington County RTA met at the Rotary Club Park for their September 15th fall picnic. Both the city and county school directors were in attendance and spoke. TRTA President-Elect Dwayne Emert also spoke to the members. Pictured are Gary Smith, Board Member, and Gretchen Culp, Social Chair. -- Debbie
Lester reporting.
The David Crockett HS Choral Department provided an exciting and upbeat musical performance!
L to R. --
Gary Smith , Board Member
Sandra Williamson, Necrology
Debbie Lester, Secretary
Leisa Lusk, Co-Treasurer
Edie Culberson, Board Member
Gretchen Culp, Social Chair
Holly Davison, President
November 13, 2023--The Wayne Co. RTA met on November 13th at Dad’s Pizzeria in Waynesboro. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Katy Wright read the devotional entitled “Shadows.” Linda Bowling offered grace before the meal. The minutes for the last meeting were read and a treasurer’s report was given.
WCRTA is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year! Dean Stegall read a short history of the founding of WCRTA from 1968. Lynn Warren spoke about his family’s history in education in Wayne County. Lynn’s grandfather, C.M. Warren, Sr., was one of the original members of the WCRTA. He served as a teacher and principal in the schools in Wayne County. Mr. Warren also later served as the school superintendent. --Report submitted by Reporter Kathy Wright.
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Updated July 6, 2021
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