1. Continue to keep the Defined Benefit Program of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System funded on an actuarially sound basis.
* Assure that the benefits of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System accrue only to retirees and beneficiaries.
* Assure that the state's contribution to the Legacy Plan of Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System is never less than the actuarial recommendation (with a minimum of not less than 6%).
2. Monitor to assure that the tuition discount for dependents of retired teachers passed in 2014 is not discontinued.
3. Work toward tax fairness with adequate funding necessary to address the growing needs of public education and retirees.
4. Request that the 113th Legislature--
* Improve the economic benefits of retired teachers.
* Increase the state contribution level to the State Medicare Supplement (Medigap) to improve benefits.
5. Inclusion of the TEA Legislative Program (adopted April 2022)