October 16--The Oak Ridge RTA met at the Oak Ridge Senior Citizen Building. Dr. Mark Buckner was the guest speaker. Dr. Buckner holds two degrees in Physics and Psychology and a Master’s in Nuclear Engineering. His Doctorate is in Applied Artificial Intelligence. He retired from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and he now works as an instructor at Oak Ridge HS where he coaches their Robotics team. Meeting report submitted by Recording Secretary Judy Dyer.
Sept. 11 – Oak Ridge RTA met at Oak Ridge Senior Citizen Center for a general business meeting. Guest speaker John Spratling spoke about a planned memorial honoring the students who became the first to desegregate a public school in the Southeastern United States.
--Judy Dyer reporting
Sept. 6 – Paris-Henry Co. RTA met at Tom’s Pizza and Steak House in Paris, TN, for a regular meeting with guest speakers. -- Becky White reporting
April 5, 2024--Dr. Williams attended the Roane Co. RTA luncheon meeting at the Kingston Community Center. The members and guests enjoyed a catered BBQ lunch with peach cobbler for dessert! There were about 25 members and guests in attendance.
Pictured from L to R:
Nancy Holloway - Membership Chair
Terri Dixon - Treasurer
Debra Caldwell - President
Dr. Williams - TRTA Director
Gwen Smith - Co-Treasurer and Photographer
The Roane Co RTA members were entertained at their luncheon meeting on April 5th by the Ridge View Elementary School Fifth Grade Band. The band was first organized last September. This was their first live performance. They were a little nervous, but they played well and were met with a long round of applause after their three-song performance!
November 2024--The RCRTA November meeting had much happening. We celebrated Veteran's Day; our Director of Schools gave a "State of the Schools" presentation, and we had a Bake Sale to fund our scholarship. Jerry Goodchild, a retired teacher and veteran, was present for our meeting and shared some of his personal experiences. Dr. Danny Weeks provided a handout about the Robertson County Schools and explained the info more in depth. The baked goods were gone very quickly. The picture provided does not do it justice, for so many things were bought and gone before the picture was taken. The meeting was held at the Robertson County Board of Education and lunch was a traditional Thanksgiving meal (yum).
September 2024--September meeting began with lunch provided by The Depot and socializing. It was good to see all and even some new and old members.
In observance of Suicide Prevention Month, Dr. Stephanie Highsmith Evans, spoke on that topic as well as mental health resources available in Robertson County. She was both knowledgeable and informative in answering all questions asked of her. She also provided "goody bags" and flyers for each member that contained much needed mental health resource information.
Danny Atchley of the Robertson County Players spoke next of their September production of "A Streetcar Named Desire", by Tennessee Williams. Andy Heard and Barbara Tharpe, each won two tickets to the performance.
Our president, Guy Stanley, has recently returned from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he attended the World Congress of Educators. He spoke briefly of his experience there, very enjoyable.
We announced our bake sale will be held at our meeting in November at the Central Office. Great goodies at reasonable prices!!
July 8, 2024--The RCRTA met at the Robertson County Senior Center on Monday, July 8th. A good time was had by all in attendance. The Depot provided a delicious lunch of lasagna and salad. The Robertson County Players performed musical numbers from the play "Gypsy" that will be playing for the next two weekends at Coopertown Middle School. Discount tickets are available for teachers and military. Our RCRTA president, Guy Stanley is also part of the production. He plays the part of an "old man". Great casting!!! After the performances, a short business meeting was held. Our next meeting will be September 9th.
RCRTA President Guy Stanley is pictured with U.S. Senate Democratic candidate, Gloria Johnson. Johnson, a TRTA member, spoke at the MTRTA meeting on May 14, and she will be speaking at the Robertson County Democratic reception on May 15.
May 13, 2024--On May 13th, the RCRTA met at the Robertson County Senior Center for our regular meeting. After an incredible lunch catered by the Depot, we had two memorable events. First, Rick Gregory, author of "The Bell Witch: Myth and Memory," was here to speak and sign copies of his new book. Rick, who is a retired educator, joined our ranks by becoming a member of the RCRTA today. Second, we honored members that we lost this last year by lighting candles in their memory. It was a good meeting for all that attended. See you in July.
Several members of the Robertson County Retired Teachers Association attended the Spring Meeting of the TRTA. They are pictured with Director Duran Williams. They are Margaret Thompson, Tammy Artz, Director Williams, Debby Ellis and Guy Stanley.