During the MSCRTA December general membership meeting, members donated 300 pairs of socks, along with bars of soap, and toothbrushes with toothpaste. This was the Memphis Shelby County Retired Teacher Association’s second Annual Sock Project. On December 18th we had the pleasure to present what was collected to the AHC Bright Glade Nursing Home. This was another successful year of spreading joy and warmth to others during the holidays. (Image Courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
The MSCRTA met December 12th at the Memphis-Shelby County Board of Education auditorium. The host for the month of December was Regina Presley-Hill. December celebrants were Matilda Washington, (not pictured) M. Jean Kimble, and Marvarene Parker. We also had a surprised visit from one of our own Memphis-Shebly County Board members, Michelle Robinson McKissack (District 1). (Images courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
President Barbara Gray called the December General Membership meeting to order after an hour of socializing during lunch. Dr. Charles Green and LaVerne Dickeron were on the agenda with reports made by Barbara Hunter (Treasurer), Mary Alice Clay (Historian), Lisa Frieson (Legislation & Research), Stephanie Fitzgerald (Insurance) and Bobbie J. Johnson (Scholarship) (Images Courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
MSCRTA members gave a special rendition of the Christmas Classic “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. (Images Courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
Members participated in the most “Festive Holiday Sweater” Contest. Winners were 1st place-Sharon Macklin, 2nd place-Ann Indingaro, and 3rd place-LaVerne Dickerson. (Images courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
Door prize donations were received from Mattie Anderson, Effie Brisco, Betty Burton, Doris Frieson, Lisa M. Frieson, Barbara Gray, Dorothy Katos, Pearlie Kent, Maureen Kay, Deborah Toney, Marcelle Turner & Matilda Washington. Because of these ladies generous donations, everyone who attended the meeting was able to walk away with a prize. (Images courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
This month’s General Membership meeting was held at the Memphis-Shelby County School Board of Education Auditorium. The host for this meeting was Marylene Johnson.
November celebrants (L-R) Marylene Johnson, Marcelle Turner and Effie Brisco (Image courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
President Barbara Gray introduced the speakers. Historian Chair, May Alice Clay gave a report on community events and Insurance Chair, Stephanie Fitzgerald updated members on the insurance enrollment. (Image courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
Our Music Chair, Martha Washington, lead the audience in song. Our first guest speaker, LaTonya Mouzon, from “Rise2Read” explained how the one-to-one tutoring program for second graders works and how successful it has been because of the volunteers. Second guest speaker was Duran Williams, Executive Director of TRTA. He updated the members on the organization’s business.
Prize winners for this month. (Image courtesy of Regina Presley-Hill)
The October 10, 2024, General Membership Meeting was held at UEA office on Poplar Avenue due to the Memphis Shelby County Board of Education Auditorium being unavailable during Fall Break.
The guest speaker was Willie D. Clark Jr. from the University of Memphis.
The September General Membership meeting was held at the Memphis-Shelby County School Board of Education Auditorium. Due to pending bad weather from Hurricane Francine, members present voted to cancel the meeting so everyone could make it home safely.
January 16, 2025--We had a great meeting on January 16, 2025. A half an hour before the meeting began, many of us gathered to share hospitality and fellowship while enjoying live music. After all, we do live in Nashville, the home of country music. As we gathered to greet each other, Mike Bell, spouse of member, Melanie Bell, gifted us with his extraordinary and varied piano pieces. Some gathered around the piano to harmonize with "Bye-Bye Love" by the Everly Brothers, while others swayed to the melody of "Moon River."
Ann Smith, Outreach Coordinator with the Office of the Tennessee Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs, shared information on Scams Targeted at Seniors. This was extremely informative, and many members had stories to share. We will all be more cognizant of red flags in the future to avoid becoming victims of scams.
Because February is the month to talk to legislators about issues important to the continuation of public education, our second speaker was Antoinette Lee, Uniserv Director and Government Relations Specialist. A very lively discussion about Gov. Lee's Voucher Bill got us all excited. One member started a page opposing the Voucher Bill. Our members signed the letter and we gave it to Antoinette as she was leaving.
We are not sure who had the most fun singing Christmas carols, TRTA members or the 40 residents at the Knowles Assisted Living Facility. We could see women and men alike joining in on the singing.
November 2024--MNRTA's November meeting was a huge success. We began our socialization time with a brass trio featuring Christmas music and delicious food prepared by our Hospitality Committee. Talking about insurance always brings in a lot of members, and we had a full house with over 50 in attendance in person and on Zoom.
We have added another benefit for our members through Premier World Discovery. This month we introduced the opportunity to travel together while also making money for our organization. On September 20, 2025, our group will take a trip to Cape Cod and the Islands for a seven-day excursion. Money from each traveler's fees will be awarded to MNRTA.
Membership Marathon is in full swing. Our membership has increased by 23 since September 2024. One of the pictures shows a gathering where we are preparing a mailing to 100 potential members.
Our December Board meeting will take place at the home of our president, Jill Speering, where we will have a potluck lunch prior to playing Dirty Santa. We are ending the year with a celebration of our friendships as we plan to engage in a new year and continue recruiting new members. Thank you for visiting Tennessee Retired Teachers Association. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in need through various programs and initiatives. Explore our website to learn more about our mission and how you can get involved.
September 19, 2024--What a great meeting we had today with our featured speaker, Rep. Gloria Johnson. Gloria spoke to our group of almost 50 educators for an hour and answered questions. She provided yard signs for those who wish to display a sign in their yards. Although we do not endorse candidates, we provide opportunities for our members to be informed about issues. We reached out to Senator Marsha Blackburn's office but did not receive a reply.
Our Membership Marathon is off to a great start. Three members brought potential members to today's meeting. Melanie Bell, our new Membership Chair, is doing a great job. We distributed $20 to one of our members for bringing two guests.
Providing 30 minutes before the meeting for members to socialize, snack, and enjoy music provides a wonderful opportunity for us to enjoy each other.
July 18, 2024--It's a new year for Nashville Retired Teachers! Our theme is Membership Marathon. We will award a $20 bill to the member who brings the most "potential" members to each meeting. In May 2025, the person who has secured the most "new" members will be awarded a $100 bill.
We listened to our members and potential members who indicated that their interests in joining MNRTA could be peaked if we started a bit later; therefore, we changed our meeting start time from 9:30 to 10:00. The block of time from 9:30 - 10:00 is now dedicated for fellowship and refreshments. The early risers can still come early. This opportunity spawned excitement as member Nancy Holland and teacher Derick Richardson provided a jovial atmosphere through their brass duet. Even our refreshments were improved by providing coffee to go along with sandwiches and cookies for members and guests.
At our July 18th, 2024, meeting, attorney Julie Moss from the Blair Law Firm, provided our program. She shared information on Wills, Probate, Revocable Living Trusts, Durable Power of Attorney, and more. Our members left with new insights and motivated to follow-up with some of Julie's recommendations for their estate planning.
October 24, 2023-- The Monroe Co RTA met on October 24th and held their regular meeting at Bert’s Hometown Grill in Madisonville. The devotional was read by member Edna Stephens.
Sweetwater Hospital Association Human Resources Officer Beth Makowski served as the guest speaker. Beth discussed advances inpatient care.
MCRTA was recognized for their recent membership growth. The members voted to support Madisonville Friends of the Library through a donation-driven ongoing service project. Kim Townson representing MCRTA would present a donation check to the Co-chairperson of the Friends of the Library Jan Johnson and librarian Kim Hicks in early November. --Report submitted by Janet Tweed.