September 2024--Dr. Chris Hampton, Kingsport City Schools Superintendent was our speaker for September. He gave an update of the schools status according to the
TN State Department of Education "grading of schools."
Dr. Hampton suggested that the State and Local focus should shift from the mindset of " Treating Unequal Things Equally." He spoke of the demographics, economics, etc. that make individual schools different. Items of focus in KCS include Career/Technical Programs (CTE) and Innovative Programs like Fire Safety and Electric vehicle Maintenance. He mentioned that Attendance and Necessary Support (SPED Students,Poverty Rate) are the challenges. Photo #3204 and 3205
Dr. Hampton introduced Bryan Kerns, Tennessee State Teacher of the Year. Bryan presented his inspiring summary of Reasons for Actions/Reactions as a teacher. He is the organizer of the Fire Safety Club started at Dobyns-Bennett. Bryan feels that his classes are sought after by so many students because they find purpose in his classes.
Horizon Credit Union Representatives, Melanie McWherter, Executive Assistant Human Resources Manager, and Dee Bake, CFO, spoke about Scams: Fraud Against Seniors, which covered the various types of scams that we as seniors might encounter. They also announced that Horizon Credit Union has just started a scholarship for the children of City of Kingsport employees.
June 7, 2024--Kingsport Retired Teachers Association met on June 7, 2024, and were given some excellent advice about how and what to do in the event that you notice something unusual in your bank account. Eastman Credit Union's Fraud Department employees presented an excellent program "Fraud 101." The information in the program was on what to look out for in your bank account and what to do if something doesn't look right in your account. The bank will work with their customers to find out what is happening should you find an error or something suspicious in your account.
We offer a scholarship to students who are graduating and plan to pursue a career in an education field. This year's recipient is Addison England who plans to pursue a degree in education from the University of Tennessee.
1st picture are two new KRTA members we gained
2nd picture is of the members during the program
3rd picture is of the installation of the officers for 2025
4th picture is of the speaker from Eastman Credit Unions (Fraud 101)
March 2024-- The KRTA meeting was held at First Broad Street United Methodist Church, Kingsport, TN. We welcomed a new member, Delores Richmond.
Our program speaker was Gail Preslar who is the Chair of Family Promise that provides assistance to our homeless community. She spoke about the program. She also gave an update on the Kingsport Book Fair, which she heads up each year to raise funds for Kingsport Public Library. She also spoke about her children's experience in the Kingsport City School system and thanked the teachers for all they did to inspire her children. Ms. Preslar is a retiree of Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport.
KRTA collected $650 in Food City gift cards for the Kingsport City Schools Homeless Education program.
KRTA Quarterly Meeting
December 1, 2023
Broad Street United Methodist Church
The John Adams Choir was transported from school on a KCS school bus with the KRTA sponsorship of $100 approved by the KTRA Executive Board. The choir is made up of fourth and fifth graders. The goal of the group is
to teach them to sing. The Director is Carol Makowski. On the piano was Carolyn McPherson. The performance was delightful and well done. Many thanks to the many people who were involved in making this performance happen even the bus driver. It was a delightful blessing to our KRTA members. Thanks to all involved.